How can I pay my All West account or bill?

If you're wondering how can I pay my All West account, there are several convenient options available. Please know that customer service representatives, for security reasons, cannot take a credit card payment over the phone. BUT there are a variety of ways to pay your All West bill:

  • Call our secure Bill Pay line at 1-855-875-7164 to pay by debit/credit card. Make sure you have your account number handy.
  • Pay via SmartHub. (Don’t have SmartHub? Click here to log in or sign up)
  • Stop by one of our many offices and pay your bill in person — Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Drop your payment in the payment drop box 24/7. (Drop boxes are located by all office entrances.)
  • Mail your payment to PO BOX 31001-3129, PASADENA, CA 91110-3129.
  • Sign up for eBilling and AutoPay via SmartHub. — Go to “Billing and Payments” > Select “Auto Pay Program” > Click “Sign Up for Auto Pay”

When is my bill due?

Statements are sent at the first of every month and the balance for monthly services is due on the 25th of the same month.

What is a broadcast fee?

The broadcast fee is a fee charged by the networks to local TV providers, like All West, to carry their channels.

How do I reconnect my service(s)?

Non-pay disconnect:

If you’re disconnected for non-pay, call us at 866.255.9378 to speak with one of our customer service representatives.

If you pay the total amount owed, you won’t be charged a reconnect fee. If you pay the past due amount owed, a reconnect fee will be applied to your account.


Vacation reconnect:

If you need to turn your services back on, please give us a call at 866.255.9378 to speak with one of our customer service representatives.

Your services should be back on by the end of that same day.

So the long distance carriers are getting reductions in their costs, but my costs are increasing because of the ARC? Why is this fair?

The access revenues that local exchange carriers receive from the long-distance carriers help offset the cost of providing local service. The FCC recognizes that the local exchange carriers will need another revenue source to offset the revenues lost from these required access reductions. Therefore, the FCC is allowing local exchange carriers such as All West Communications to recover a portion of the revenues lost from these access reductions through the ARC. The FCC determined that the customer (you) chooses to place a long-distance call and the long-distance carrier that is used; therefore, the customer should bear more of the cost.

Is the ARC a tax?

No, it is not a tax. Tax-exempt organizations will also pay the ARC.

Which products or services will the ARC be applied to?

If you subscribe to local telephone service, an ARC charge may be applied.

Will all customers see an ARC charge?

Any customer with a Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) will see an ARC charge.

I didn't ask for this service. How can I get the ARC charge removed from my bill?

The ARC charge is associated with your landline telephone service and cannot be removed from your bill.

Is the ARC charge optional?

No. The ARC charge is not an optional charge and cannot be adjusted off the bill.