All West is not able to support 3rd party email clients or software. Webmail is the only mail option our customer service team directly supports. However, the steps below are provide for those who still wish to use mail clients other then webmail and who are able to support themselves.

Here are the steps to connect your email to iOS devices including iPhone and iPad:

iOS MagicMail Configuration

Here are the steps to connect using Microsoft Outlook:

Outlook Exchange Settings

Third-Party Mail Programs (clients) and Phone Apps

The configuration of third-party mail applications like Outlook, Windows Mail, Thunderbird, and mail applications on iOS or Android devices is left to our customers or their preferred IT/help experts. The settings below are universal and should work on any mail client, on any device. A simple Google search should provide results to configure all popular email client programs/apps.


Many mail clients will work with All West’s auto-configurations. This means that you only need to input your login information into the client and the mail client should automatically configure allsettings. There are instances in which auto-configuration fails and manual configuration is required.

Example IMAP Manual Configuration

Incoming: 993 SSL/TLS

Outgoing: 587 & 465 SSL /TLS

MagicMail – Email Settings Quick Reference (IMAP)

Incoming Mail Server Name:

E-mail Username: or

(replace john.doe with your e-mail prefix)

Incoming Mail Port: 993 (selecting encryption method “Use SSL/TLS”)

Outgoing Mail Server Name:

Outgoing Mail Server Username: (replace john.doe with your e-mail prefix)

SMTP Outgoing Port: 587 (selecting encryption method “Use SSL” or “STARTTLS”)