There are a lot of components that make up your internet connection, including your internet speed and bandwidth. It’s easy to see how this can be confusing, and they are often talked about together, so let’s break down what they are and how it is important to your internet connection.

Internet speed

The number associated with your internet plan is your internet speed and is usually displayed in either Mbps or Gig speeds. This number refers to the speed at which data can be uploaded or downloaded from your internet connected device(s).

(What is the difference between upload and download speeds?)


We usually refer to bandwidth as a water pipeline because it is the amount of data that can be uploaded or downloaded from your internet connecting device(s). Bandwidth controls the amount of data that can flow from your internet service provider (ISP) and your devices simultaneously.

How does your internet speed and bandwidth affect your internet?

The more speed you have, the bigger your bandwidth pipeline is going to be. This is important because the size of your pipe and the number of devices you use will influence your internet speed. The more devices you have connected at the same time equals more data trying to be pushed through your pipeline, and if your pipeline isn’t big enough, your data will be funneled through more slowly.

For example, if you are on an internet plan with lower speeds, your bandwidth pipeline is going to be smaller. If you try to push a lot of data through the pipeline with multiple devices, your speed is going to slow down because the data can’t fit through the pipeline at the same time.

Our friends at ArvingHQ have an excellent example of how this works:


Do you still have questions about your internet speed or do you want to upgrade your speed for more bandwidth? Talk to one of our experts by either calling us at 866-255-9378 or emailing

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